You can find the text of the Pas­toral Ori­en­ta­tion on Human Traf­fick­ing below:

in Eng­lish

in Span­ish

in French

in Ital­ian

In Por­tuguese 



You can find the con­fer­ence pre­sen­ta­tions by click­ing on the blue text below.



9 April 2019 

  • Wel­com­ing Remarks

Mes­sage of the Holy Father Pope Francis

Fr. Michael Czerny, M&R Section

○ H.Em. Card. Peter Turk­son, Inte­gral Human Development

○ H.E. Ambas­sador Matthew Shieh-Ming Lee, Embassy of the Repub­lic of Chi­na (Tai­wan) to the Holy See

  • Intro­duc­tion to the Work Methodology

○ Fr. Fabio Bag­gio, M&R Section

  • Wel­com­ing Remarks


First Ses­sion: Human Traf­fick­ing in the Con­text of Sex­u­al Exploitation 

  • Enlight­en­ment

○ Dr. Stephane Jaque­met, ICMC — Chair

Dr. Nenette Motus, IOM

Sr. Lea Ack­er­man, SOLWODI

Sec­ond Ses­sion: Human Traf­fick­ing in the Con­text of Slave Labor

  • Enlight­en­ment

○ Mr. Mar­tin Foley, Apos­tle­ship of the Sea UK — Chair

Dr. Jes­si­ca Sparks, Uni­ver­si­ty of Nottingham

Mrs. Zhou Mi, ILO

Third Ses­sion: Human Traf­fick­ing and Human Smuggling

  • Enlight­en­ment

○ Ms. Mar­ti­na Lieb­sch, Car­i­tas Inter­na­tion­alis — Chair

○ Dr. Maria Grazia Giammari­naro, OHCHR

Mrs. Hes­sen Sayah, Car­i­tas Lebanon

10 April 2019


Fourth Ses­sion: Oth­er Forms of Human Trafficking

  • Enlight­en­ment

o H.E. Msgr. Marce­lo Sánchez Soron­do, PAS — Chair

Prof. Nan­cy Schep­er-Hugh­es, Uni­ver­si­ty of California

Dr. Nan­cy Asch­er, UCSF

Fifth Ses­sion: Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, Pre­ven­tion and Pros­e­cu­tion of Human Trafficking

  • Enlight­en­ment

○ H.Em. Card. Vin­cent Nichols, Arch­bish­op of West­min­ster — Chair

○ Mr. Kevin Hyland, San­ta Mar­ta Group

Fr. Mark Odi­on, San­ta Mar­ta Group

Hillary Chester

Sixth Ses­sion: Pro­tec­tion of Survivors

  • Enlight­en­ment

Sr. Angela Reed, ACRATH — Chair

○ Prof. Mari­et­ta Llanos Lato­nio, Philippines

○ Sr. Rita Gia­ret­ta, Casa Rut

Sev­enth Ses­sion: Part­ner­ship in Respond­ing to Human Trafficking

  • Enlight­en­ment

Fr. Michael Czerny, M&R Sec­tion — Chair

Fr. Alber­to Ares SJ, Uni­ver­si­dad de Comillas

Sr. Gabriel­la Bot­tani, Thalitha Kum

Dr. Hui-Jung CHI, Gar­den of Hope Foun­da­tion, Taiwan


11 April 2019


Con­clu­sive Session

  • Pre­sen­ta­tion of Out­comes: Fr. Fabio Bag­gio, M&R Section
  • Mes­sage of H.E. Msgr. Paul Richard Gal­lagher, Sec­re­tary of State
  • Con­clud­ing Remarks by Organizers