You can find the text of the Pastoral Orientation on Human Trafficking below:
You can find the conference presentations by clicking on the blue text below.
9 April 2019
- Welcoming Remarks
○ Message of the Holy Father Pope Francis
○ Fr. Michael Czerny, M&R Section
○ H.Em. Card. Peter Turkson, Integral Human Development
○ H.E. Ambassador Matthew Shieh-Ming Lee, Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Holy See
- Introduction to the Work Methodology
○ Fr. Fabio Baggio, M&R Section
- Welcoming Remarks
First Session: Human Trafficking in the Context of Sexual Exploitation
- Enlightenment
○ Dr. Stephane Jaquemet, ICMC — Chair
Second Session: Human Trafficking in the Context of Slave Labor
- Enlightenment
○ Mr. Martin Foley, Apostleship of the Sea UK — Chair
○ Dr. Jessica Sparks, University of Nottingham
Third Session: Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling
- Enlightenment
○ Ms. Martina Liebsch, Caritas Internationalis — Chair
○ Dr. Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, OHCHR
○ Mrs. Hessen Sayah, Caritas Lebanon
10 April 2019
Fourth Session: Other Forms of Human Trafficking
- Enlightenment
o H.E. Msgr. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, PAS — Chair
○ Prof. Nancy Scheper-Hughes, University of California
Fifth Session: Identification, Prevention and Prosecution of Human Trafficking
- Enlightenment
○ H.Em. Card. Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster — Chair
○ Mr. Kevin Hyland, Santa Marta Group
Fr. Mark Odion, Santa Marta Group
Sixth Session: Protection of Survivors
- Enlightenment
○ Sr. Angela Reed, ACRATH — Chair
○ Prof. Marietta Llanos Latonio, Philippines
○ Sr. Rita Giaretta, Casa Rut
Seventh Session: Partnership in Responding to Human Trafficking
- Enlightenment
○ Fr. Michael Czerny, M&R Section — Chair
○ Fr. Alberto Ares SJ, Universidad de Comillas
○ Sr. Gabriella Bottani, Thalitha Kum
○ Dr. Hui-Jung CHI, Garden of Hope Foundation, Taiwan
11 April 2019
Conclusive Session
- Presentation of Outcomes: Fr. Fabio Baggio, M&R Section
- Message of H.E. Msgr. Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary of State
- Concluding Remarks by Organizers