The Alliance to Counter Crime Online groups 30 non-prof­its, aca­d­e­mics and cit­i­zen inves­ti­ga­tors col­lec­tive­ly fight­ing the growth of seri­ous orga­nized crime on the sur­face web. We share a com­mit­ment to jus­tice, a ded­i­ca­tion to coun­ter­ing exploita­tion in all its forms, and the courage to inves­ti­gate some of the worst aspects of humankind. Every ACCO mem­ber has tak­en per­son­al risks and made sac­ri­fices to do what we do, out of pas­sion for the sub­jects we seek to pro­tect. We need that ded­i­ca­tion to take on one of the world’s most pow­er­ful, well-fund­ed indus­tries: Big Tech and Big Crime. 

ACCO mem­bers are lead­ing author­i­ties in a range of seri­ous crime sec­tors online, includ­ing child sex abuse con­tent, human traf­fick­ing, nar­cotics, wildlife, antiq­ui­ties, and fraud. ACCO pro­duces inves­tiga­tive reports and analy­sis about how illic­it groups have weaponized social media, and we pro­vide evi­dence we devel­op to reg­u­la­tors, law­mak­ers and the public.