Angli­can resources on mod­ern slavery

From :


The Arch­bish­op of Can­ter­bury, Justin Welby

Arch­bish­op Justin calls for world to wake up to ‘mod­ern day slavery’
1 Octo­ber 2013

Arch­bish­op Justin and Pope Fran­cis back Angli­can-Catholic anti-slav­ery and human traf­fick­ing initiative
17 March 2014

Arch­bish­op wel­comes draft mod­ern slav­ery bill
8 April 2014

Arch­bish­op Justin’s address to Pope Francis
16 June 2014

Archbishop’s state­ment on the first UN anti-traf­fick­ing day
30 July 2014

Arch­bish­op Wel­by sends mes­sage to Angli­can anti-slav­ery meeting
3 Novem­ber 2014

Arch­bish­op of Can­ter­bury joins world faith lead­ers in pledge to end slavery
2 Decem­ber 2014

Arch­bish­op of Canterbury’s address to the Glob­al Free­dom Net­work declaration
2 Decem­ber 2014

Arch­bish­op of Can­ter­bury on hunger in Britain
7 Decem­ber 2014
Inter­na­tion­al Angli­can Fam­i­ly Net­work (IAFN) and Inter­na­tion­al Angli­can Women’s Net­work (IAWN) Joint Newsletter

Church Respons­es to Human Trafficking
Jan­u­ary 2015

Free­dom Sunday

Free­dom Sun­day is a day of wor­ship, prayer and action on human traf­fick­ing. On Sun­day, 19 Octo­ber, church­es all over the world will join togeth­er to raise aware­ness of the crime of human traf­fick­ing and show the world our com­pas­sion for the men, women and chil­dren who are traf­ficked and exploited.

The fol­low­ing resources have been designed to enable your Church to take part in the day and to help your Church learn more about how it can tack­le this injustice.

Free­dom Sun­day Resources for Wor­ship & Action

Free­dom Sun­day Church Poster

Free­dom Sun­day Pow­er­point Images

Free­dom Sun­day Images

Angli­can Women’s Empowerment

Human Traf­fick­ing: Free­ing Women, Chil­dren and Men
March 2011

Mis­sion The­ol­o­gy Advi­so­ry Group (MTAG)

Human Traf­fick­ing and Mod­ern-Day Slavery
Feb­ru­ary 2014
Mis­sion and Pub­lic Affairs Council

Sub­mis­sion by the Mis­sion and Pub­lic Affairs Coun­cil to the Joint Com­mit­tee on the Draft Mod­ern Day Slav­ery Bill
Feb­ru­ary 2014