Tonight, from 6 to 7.30 shall take place a webi­nar on “The Needs and Sto­ries of Male Sur­vivors of Child Sex­u­al Abuse, Exploita­tion and Human Traf­fick­ing. The dif­fi­cult jour­ney of male sur­vivors: uncov­er­ing and iden­ti­fy­ing the social inter­ac­tions that harm and aid male sur­vivor recov­ery and heal­ing, as well as fur­ther explor­ing the bar­ri­ers that hin­der disclosure.”

Speak­ers will be:

Ena Lucia Mari­a­ca Pacheco, Researcher and advo­cate for jus­tice, specif­i­cal­ly for boys and men who are sur­vivors of abuse, exploita­tion and human traf­fick­ing. Mem­ber of Glob­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Human Traf­fick­ing Schol­ars (GAHTS). Author of “The needs and sto­ries of male sur­vivors of child sex­u­al abuse, exploita­tion and human trafficking”

Dr. Glenn Miles, Inde­pen­dent Researcher, Train­er, Writer, Net­work­er. Senior Researcher with up! Inter­na­tion­al. For 25 years, he’s led INGOs and facil­i­tat­ed research lis­ten­ing to sur­vivors of sex­u­al exploita­tion, includ­ing men, women, boys, girls, and trans­gen­der peo­ple, as well as research with sex buy­ers. Glenn teach­es grad­u­ate and PhD can­di­dates, pro­vides super­vi­sion, and advis­es the But­ter­fly Lon­gi­tu­di­nal Research Project (Chab Dai)

Jef­frey Ten­nant, Lived-Expert, Author, Sur­vivor of child sex traf­fick­ing. Career in aero­space and after retir­ing, he has made a sig­nif­i­cant change in his life by serv­ing oth­ers through min­istry and begin­ning a writ­ing career. The min­istry voca­tion came nat­u­ral­ly from vol­un­teer­ing through­out his life, but the writ­ing career was birthed from detail­ing the strug­gle to heal from the pain of trau­ma brought about by being sex traf­ficked. The desire to help oth­ers trav­el­ing the same road as he has, led to the writ­ing and pub­lish­ing of his first book, “The Way of Escape: The True Sto­ry of a Teenage Boy’s Mirac­u­lous Escape from Sex Traf­fick­ers and a Heal­ing Jour­ney of Recovery”


HERE is the link to register.