Geneva, 8 March 2022 — Human Rights Council — A/HRC/49/51 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children — Statement by Professor Michel Veuthey Ambassador to monitor and combat trafficking in persons, Deputy Permanent Observer
Human Rights Council — A/HRC/49/51
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children,
including child prostitution, child pornography and other child sexual abuse material,
Mrs. Mama Fatima Singhateh
Statement by Professor Michel Veuthey
Ambassador to monitor and combat trafficking in persons, Deputy Permanent Observer
Geneva, 8 March 2022
Madam President, Excellencies,
The Order of Malta would like to thank the Special Rapporteur for her excellent report (A/HRC/49/51) on the sale and sexual exploitation of children. The Order of Malta has contributed to the Special Rapporteur’s report. It wishes to strengthen its awareness-raising, prevention and protection efforts to protect child victims of exploitation, through its multilateral and bilateral diplomatic network. It has intensified its medical and social programmes in many countries in the world against the pandemic through its National Associations and its world humanitarian organization “Malteser International”.
The Sovereign Order of Malta wishes to continue the dialogue with the Special Rapporteur and other stakeholders, including faith-based organizations, the business and academic communities, in order to share and optimize its best practices.
The Order of Malta continues its work to prevent and combat trafficking in persons by participating in actions, by organizing an online training course for helpers — already available in English and French — and by contributing to the protection and rehabilitation of victims of trafficking, as well as by organizing 18 webinars on human trafficking.
Thank you.
English Statement
French Statement