Sex traf­fick­ing sur­vivor. A wom­an’s true sto­ry. She was sex traf­ficked at just 16, Petra Hens­ley suf­fered unimag­in­able cru­el­ty at 16 years old when she was kid­napped while wait­ing at a train sta­tion in the Czech Repub­lic. She was tak­en into the vile under­world that is the sex trade indus­try & was human traf­ficked. There are more peo­ple in slav­ery today than any oth­er time in his­to­ry. Esti­mates are that as many 27 mil­lion peo­ple are enslaved. Human traf­fick­ing is a top­ic that need our atten­tion and we need to be hav­ing con­ver­sa­tions around. If you want to do heal­ing work like Petra, join a life-chang­ing, 6‑week online course for $49. Starts July 16, 2015 and will be the most fun and trans­for­ma­tion­al soul work you’ve ever done. Release shame, stig­ma, secrets and live your authen­tic, fullest life!