Human Rights Council — A/HRC/58/19
Annual Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General
on Violence against Children, Dr. Najat Maalla M’jid
Statement by Professor Michel Veuthey
Ambassador to monitor and combat trafficking in persons,
Deputy Permanent Observer in Geneva
Geneva, 12 March 2025
Mr. President, Madam Special Representative, Excellencies,
The Sovereign Order of Malta wishes to express its thanks to the Special Representative, Dr. Najat Maalla M’jid and her team for their well-documented report.
The Order of Malta expresses its concern about the alarming increase in violence against children. The multiplication of conflicts and the deterioration of the climate leading to severe humanitarian crises, the lack of social protection and the increasing use of AI and technology in trafficking have exacerbated the vulnerability of children. Furthermore, despite improvements in documentation and the many actions currently underway, many traffickers continue to operate with a high degree of impunity and a significant number of victims go unreported.
Following a long tradition of humanitarian service, the Sovereign Order of Malta continues to help those in need, especially children. Malteser International, the Order of Malta’s international relief agency, is involved in numerous projects aimed at addressing the root causes of child trafficking by providing essential services and transitional aid activities in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
The Order of Malta supports the recommendations of the Special Representative to:
- Address the root causes of child trafficking such as poverty and the lack of access to basic services.
- Provide resources to strengthen child protection systems and the capacity to identify victims and children at risk.
- Strengthen international, regional and bilateral cooperation and support law enforcement across borders.
- Improve criminal investigation and mutual legal assistance capacities, as well as the access to justice and remedies for trafficked persons.
- Engage dialogue with faith-based organisations and religious leaders.[1]
The Sovereign Order of Malta would welcome an increased collaboration with the Special Representative.
Thank you.
[1] A/HRC/58/19, paragr. 33.