Please access the sub­ti­tles by click­ing “CC” in the Vimeo menu. They are avail­able in Eng­lish, French, Ger­man, Ital­ian, Russ­ian, Span­ish, and Sim­pli­fied Chinese.

Pro­fes­sor Thomas Pogge (World Pover­ty and Human Rights): Despite a high and grow­ing glob­al aver­age income, bil­lions of human beings are still con­demned to life- long severe pover­ty, with all its atten­dant evils of low life expectan­cy, social exclu­sion, ill health, illit­er­a­cy, depen­den­cy, and effec­tive enslave­ment.
Cit­i­zens of the rich coun­tries are, how­ev­er, con­di­tioned to down­play the sever­i­ty and per­sis­tence of world pover­ty. Few real­ize that severe pover­ty is an ongo­ing harm we inflict upon the glob­al poor.
If more of us under­stood the true mag­ni­tude of the prob­lem of pover­ty and our causal involve­ment in it, we might do what is nec­es­sary to erad­i­cate it?
Pro­fes­sor T. Pogge and Rev. Jose Nand­hikkara from India dis­cuss pover­ty and lack of social & eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment as well as the root caus­es of human traf­fick­ing, based on their expe­ri­ence and research.

You can also access the video of this webi­nar avail­able with trans­la­tions in French, Ital­ian, Ger­man, Span­ish, Russ­ian and Chi­nese on the adlaudatosi web­site:

The webi­na­rs are orga­nized by the Ambas­sador of the Sov­er­eign Order of Mal­ta to mon­i­tor and com­bat traf­fick­ing in per­sons with the Col­lège Uni­ver­si­taire Hen­ry-Dunant, in coop­er­a­tion with Sis­ter Mir­jam Beike, RGS, Rep­re­sen­ta­tive at the UN in Gene­va for the Sis­ters of Our Lady of Char­i­ty of the Good Shep­herd.
Please vis­it the fol­low­ing web­sites: