A sur­vivor of child sex traf­fick­ing and re-exploita­tion, Kendall cre­ates pos­i­tive social impact through her art and speak­ing. She works glob­al­ly to edu­cate and sup­port those impact­ed by trau­ma while advo­cat­ing for eth­i­cal care for com­plex trau­ma survivors.

In 2021, Kendall was invit­ed to address the Unit­ed Nations Gen­er­al Assem­bly on the Glob­al Plan of Action to Com­bat Traf­fick­ing in Per­sons, and her art was show­cased in that high-lev­el event.

Her art­work and activism were also recent­ly fea­tured on CNN Inter­na­tion­al, Ama­zon News, and BBC Radio.