Human Rights Council — A/HRC/56/60
Report of the Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons,
especially women and children, Siobhán Mullally
Statement by Professor Michel Veuthey
Ambassador to monitor and combat trafficking in persons, Deputy Permanent Observer
Geneva, 27 June 2024
Mr. Vice-President, Madam Special Rapporteur, Excellencies,
The Order of Malta thanks the Special Rapporteur for her excellent report and wishes to strengthen its awareness-raising, prevention, and protection efforts to assist victims of trafficking through its multilateral and bilateral diplomatic networks.
The Sovereign Order of Malta wishes to continue to cooperate with the Special Rapporteur and other stakeholders, including faith-based organizations and the business and academic communities.
The Order of Malta supports the recommendations of the Special Representative calling to
• Strengthen measures to prevent trafficking in persons, by expanding access to safe, regular migration channels and to refugee protection […]
• Ratify and implement instruments of international refugee law and human rights law as well as international humanitarian law and maritime law providing safeguards for the rights of those in distress or rescued at sea […]
• Ensure effective implementation of the non-punishment principle for all victims of trafficking without discrimination […]
• Recalling the importance of partnerships with civil society actors […] recognizing their significant role in the provision of assistance to victims of trafficking.
In conclusion, the Order of Malta wishes to highlight the work of religious communities in caring for victims and survivors of human trafficking as they are often the only ones to protect and help victims when the needs are overwhelming.
Thank you.