Grand Hos­pi­taller Fra’ Alessan­dro de Fran­cis­cis, rep­re­sent­ing the Sov­er­eign Mil­i­tary Order of Mal­ta, spoke at the 77th World Health Assem­bly (WHA77) enti­tled “All for Health, For All Health” held end of May 2024 in Geneva.

Dur­ing the Assem­bly, del­e­gates from around the world endorsed a four-year $11.1 bil­lion glob­al health strat­e­gy to pro­mote, deliv­er and pro­tect the health and well-being of all peo­ple, focussing on cli­mate change, age­ing, migra­tion, pan­dem­ic threats and equi­ty, adapt­ing it to an era of rapid geopo­lit­i­cal, sci­en­tif­ic and tech­no­log­i­cal change. The Assem­bly also host­ed a series of strate­gic round tables. Dur­ing these ses­sions, del­e­gates, part­ner agen­cies, civ­il-soci­ety rep­re­sen­ta­tives and WHO experts had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cuss cur­rent and future pri­or­i­ties for pub­lic health issues of glob­al importance.

“Since its estab­lish­ment, the Order of Mal­ta has ded­i­cat­ed itself to the health and social care of peo­ple in need with a net­work that today has over 13,500 mem­bers, 95,000 vol­un­teers and 52,000 doc­tors, nurs­es and para­medics in some 120 coun­tries. On Thurs­day, May 16, I entered the Gaza Strip accom­pa­ny­ing the Latin Patri­arch of Jerusalem, H.B. Car­di­nal Piz­z­a­bal­la, who was reach­ing his peo­ple in Gaza City for the first time since the war began. It is very dif­fi­cult to under­stand what I have seen while keep­ing in mind the prin­ci­ples of the Uni­ver­sal Dec­la­ra­tion of Human Rights, which affirms health as a fun­da­men­tal human right,” said Fra’ Alessan­dro de Fran­cis­cis, Grand Hos­pi­taller of the Order of Mal­ta. “Our projects aim to pro­tect chil­dren and vul­ner­a­ble peo­ple, strong­ly sup­port­ed by our Grand Mas­ter and Gov­ern­ment, and our pri­or­i­ty is to ensure clean water, good food and med­ical care to mil­lions of peo­ple world­wide. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in Gaza, and not only there, human­i­ty is lost,” De Fran­cis­cis concluded.

ICRC — Ivo Graziani, Gilles Car­bon­nier (ICRC Vice-Prési­dent), S.E. Fra’ Alessan­dro de Fran­cis­cis (Grand Hos­pi­tal­ier, Order of Mal­ta), Michel Veuthey (Order of Mal­ta, Ambas­sador to fight against human trafficking)

IFRC — Jagan Cha­pa­gain (Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer and Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al of the IFRC), S.E. Fra’ Alessan­dro de Fran­cis­cis (Grand Hos­pi­tal­ier, Order of Malta)

Lebano — Dr Firass Abi­ad (Lebanese Min­is­ter of Health), S.E. Fra’ Alessan­dro de Fran­cis­cis (Grand Hos­pi­tal­ier, Order of Malta)

Del­e­ga­tion of Sal­vador to WHA

Sene­gal — Ibrahi­ma Sy (Min­is­ter of Health and Social Action) and his del­e­ga­tion, S.E. Fra’ Alessan­dro de Fran­cis­cis (Grand Hos­pi­tal­ier, Order of Malta) 

Togo — S.E. Fra’ Alessan­dro de Fran­cis­cis (Grand Hos­pi­tal­ier, Order of Mal­ta), Moustafa MIJIYAWA (Min­istre de la san­té du Togo)