UNOG Executive Briefing with His Excellency Mr. David Fernández Puyana, Permanent Observer of the University for Peace to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva. Thursday, 26 January 2023
Ambassador Fernández Puyana did introduce the University for Peace as a global entity, outline its actions and achievements in the fields of peace education and diplomacy, and shared the University’s vision for the future.
On behalf of the Permanent Observer Mission of the Order of Malta, Michel Veuthey, with Mr. Jean-François Kammer, Mr. Yannick Galeazzi, Mrs. Silvia Vandi and Mr. Emanuele Piluso, participated in the Executive Briefing of Ambassador David Fernández Puyana, Permanent Observer of the University for Peace to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva on Thursday, the 26th of January 2023.
Ambassador Michel Veuthey made a short intervention, thanking Ambassador Fernández Puyana for his untiring efforts on behalf of the University of Peace, peace education and diplomacy, welcomed the excellent cooperation between the Order of Malta and Ambassador Fernandez Puyana, which could be formalized in the next future by the signature in Rome of a Memoranum of Understanding. The Order of Malta is looking forward to implementing this agreement, among other topics on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and new forms of slavery.