World Migration Report 2022

Since 2000, IOM has been pro­duc­ing its flag­ship world migra­tion reports every two years. The World Migra­tion Report 2022, the eleventh in the world migra­tion report series, has been pro­duced to con­tribute to increased under­stand­ing of migra­tion and mobil­i­ty through­out the world. This new edi­tion presents key data and infor­ma­tion on migra­tion as well as the­mat­ic chap­ters on high­ly top­i­cal migra­tion issues, and is struc­tured to focus on two key con­tri­bu­tions for readers: 

  • Part I: key infor­ma­tion on migra­tion and migrants (includ­ing migra­tion-relat­ed sta­tis­tics); and 
  • Part II: bal­anced, evi­dence-based analy­sis of com­plex and emerg­ing migra­tion issues.

This flag­ship World Migra­tion Report has been pro­duced in line with IOM’s Envi­ron­ment Pol­i­cy and is avail­able online only. Print­ed hard copies have not been made in order to reduce paper, print­ing and trans­porta­tion impacts.