
This tool con­tains an overview of respons­es to traf­fick­ing in per­sons, rec­om­mend­ed resources and some exam­ples of nation­al strate­gies and plans.

Overview of respons­es to traf­fick­ing in persons


Com­pre­hen­sive nation­al anti-traf­fick­ing respons­es should cov­er two lev­els, both of which should reflect guid­ing prin­ci­ples (see Tool 2.6):

  • 􏰀  Strate­gic lev­el (Strat­e­gy)
    Refers to “what” should be achieved. The strat­e­gy should include:Preamble
    Strate­gic goals
    Indi­ca­tors for each strate­gic goal and spe­cif­ic objective
  • 􏰀  Oper­a­tional lev­el (Nation­al action plan)Refers to “how” the strate­gic goals can be achieved. The nation­al action plan iden­ti­fies con­crete actions to achieve the strate­gic goals and spe­cif­ic objec­tives iden­ti­fied in the strat­e­gy. It should include:

    Assigned respon­si­bil­i­ties and time­lines Resource plans and budget