Sex traf­fick­ing, a form of mod­ern-day slav­ery, has gone online.

This free event, as part of the British Sci­ence Fes­ti­val in Chelms­ford, explores the mys­te­ri­ous tech­nol­o­gy behind the dark web and dig­i­tal evo­lu­tion of the sex indus­try. Speak­ers will dis­cuss the increas­ing chal­lenges of polic­ing inter­net sex crime.

Migrants are espe­cial­ly vul­ner­a­ble to dig­i­tal­ly adver­tised sex work and can eas­i­ly fall prey to human traf­fick­ing. How­ev­er, it is extreme­ly dif­fi­cult to dis­tin­guish between traf­fick­ing vic­tims and con­sent­ing sex work­ers from their adver­tise­ments on adult ser­vice websites.

Crim­i­nol­o­gist Chris­t­ian Kemp (Anglia Ruskin Uni­ver­si­ty) has worked close­ly with local con­stab­u­lar­ies to devel­op more effec­tive tech­niques to tack­le online exploita­tion. Join him to dis­cov­er the chal­lenges and inno­va­tions paving the way to a safer society.