
A world where all for­got­ten vic­tims of inter­na­tion­al crimes have access to fair and impar­tial jus­tice mech­a­nisms, and per­pe­tra­tors are held accountable.


Civ­i­tas Max­i­ma facil­i­tates the doc­u­men­ta­tion of inter­na­tion­al crimes, and pur­sues the redress of such crimes on behalf of vic­tims who do not have access to jus­tice, by: 

(i) col­lab­o­rat­ing with and build­ing the capac­i­ty of local grass-roots part­ners to doc­u­ment crimes in the state where those crimes were committed; 

(ii) coor­di­nat­ing a net­work of inves­ti­ga­tors and lawyers to help vic­tims gain access to jus­tice and hold per­pe­tra­tors account­able before for­eign domes­tic or inter­na­tion­al courts and tri­bunals, how­ev­er, when­ev­er and wher­ev­er possible;

(iii) gen­er­at­ing aware­ness and informed debate around vic­tims’ cas­es, with a view to empow­er­ing local com­mu­ni­ties to pur­sue their own quests for justice.

The Name

Civ­i­tas Max­i­ma — Togeth­er against inter­na­tion­al crimes.

Due to their scale and inten­si­ty, inter­na­tion­al crimes not only vio­late indi­vid­ual vic­tims’ rights but also touch the human­i­ty in all of us. In this con­text, the Latin term civ­i­tas max­i­ma — which can be trans­lat­ed as ‘great­est cit­i­zen­ry’ – rep­re­sents a call to do togeth­er, as cit­i­zens of the world, what we can to ensure jus­tice for inter­na­tion­al crimes. Based on the deeply held belief that there are no ‘oth­ers,’ Civ­i­tas Max­i­ma envis­ages a glob­al coop­er­a­tion between vic­tims, inde­pen­dent lawyers and inves­ti­ga­tors, and offi­cials from state author­i­ties regard­less of nation­al­i­ty, eth­nic­i­ty, polit­i­cal or reli­gious affil­i­a­tion, or oth­er exclu­sion­ary factors.

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