A world where all forgotten victims of international crimes have access to fair and impartial justice mechanisms, and perpetrators are held accountable.
Civitas Maxima facilitates the documentation of international crimes, and pursues the redress of such crimes on behalf of victims who do not have access to justice, by:
(i) collaborating with and building the capacity of local grass-roots partners to document crimes in the state where those crimes were committed;
(ii) coordinating a network of investigators and lawyers to help victims gain access to justice and hold perpetrators accountable before foreign domestic or international courts and tribunals, however, whenever and wherever possible;
(iii) generating awareness and informed debate around victims’ cases, with a view to empowering local communities to pursue their own quests for justice.
The Name
Civitas Maxima — Together against international crimes.
Due to their scale and intensity, international crimes not only violate individual victims’ rights but also touch the humanity in all of us. In this context, the Latin term civitas maxima — which can be translated as ‘greatest citizenry’ – represents a call to do together, as citizens of the world, what we can to ensure justice for international crimes. Based on the deeply held belief that there are no ‘others,’ Civitas Maxima envisages a global cooperation between victims, independent lawyers and investigators, and officials from state authorities regardless of nationality, ethnicity, political or religious affiliation, or other exclusionary factors.