Unof­fi­cial trans­la­tion by Chris­tus­lib­er­at below in English:






The SDC’s com­pass: from moral aware­ness to social behaviour


Rea­sons for the course and its method

The SDC­course of the Cen­tes­imus Annus — Pro Pon­tif­ice Foun­da­tion aims above all to train pub­lic and pri­vate lead­ers, pro­fes­sion­als, aca­d­e­mics, entre­pre­neurs, sci­en­tif­ic and tech­no­log­i­cal oper­a­tors, includ­ing in par­tic­u­lar young peo­ple, in the prin­ci­ples and actions of the SDC. 

The method pro­posed, already exper­i­ment­ed and elab­o­rat­ed in oth­er places, is com­posed of three lev­els of learn­ing: the aca­d­e­m­ic one, made up of con­tents, texts of the mag­is­teri­um, knowl­edge of arti­cles and vol­umes of deep­en­ing and so on; an expe­ri­en­tiallev­el in which every­one can per­son­al­ize the con­tents through lab­o­ra­to­ry work, group shar­ing, short papersto be elab­o­rat­ed at the end of each meet­ing and a final the­sis; a sapi­en­tiallev­el in which, through the most spir­i­tu­al part that nour­ish­es the DCS, every­one can dis­cern and act on the change of their own behav­iour. The aim is to build a think­ing com­mu­ni­ty and a real com­mu­ni­ty expe­ri­ence that can also affect the pub­lic space and in par­tic­u­lar the vital worlds to which the Foun­da­tion addresses.

The three macro themes that have been cho­sen to plan the 7 meet­ings fol­low the 3 prin­ci­ples of the SDC, but a par­tic­u­lar focus will be made on the lat­est texts of the SDC in order to dia­logue with the world on the issues of jus­tice, the envi­ron­ment and the com­mon good.

A fold­er will also be pre­pared with select­ed arti­cles, in par­tic­u­lar from the mag­a­zine La Civiltà Cat­toli­ca,stud­ies that have been approved by the Sec­re­tari­at of State and rep­re­sent a sort of aid to help stu­dents to deep­en their knowl­edge of the social texts of the Church.

From this year, also the Mem­bers of the Foun­da­tion will be direct­ly involved through the “tes­ti­monies” in the worlds in which they are involved, which will help the course par­tic­i­pants to get to know the Foun­da­tion directly.

From next year the course in SDC of the Foun­da­tion, main­tain­ing its auton­o­my and speci­fici­ty, could be sup­port­ed in the seats of the mag­a­zine La Civiltà Cat­toli­caand the Pon­tif­i­cal Gre­go­ri­an Uni­ver­si­ty. In order to pre­pare this step as well, it is nec­es­sary that each mem­ber feels respon­si­ble for mak­ing known, pro­mot­ing and select­ing new stu­dents, ani­mat­ing and sup­port­ing them for the good of all.

The Foun­da­tion will be com­mit­ted to spread­ing and pub­li­ciz­ing the course, but it is the direct loy­al­ty that will allow us to con­sol­i­date in the pro­pos­al we believe in and to grow as a community.

At the end of the course, an essay sum­ma­riz­ing the stu­den­t’s learn­ing and expe­ri­ence will be deliv­ered, as well as a cer­tifi­cate signed by the Pres­i­dent of the Foun­da­tion attest­ing to attendance.


Dates, top­ics and speakers


  1. 9–10 Feb­ru­ary 2019- res­i­den­tial meeting

Top­ic: From mar­ket soci­ety to the mar­ket econ­o­my of the DCS

Speak­er:Davide Mag­gi, Pro­fes­sor of Busi­ness Eco­nom­ics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of East­ern Piedmont

II Rap­por­teur: Deep­en­ing the SDC: Wal­ter Magnoni, eccle­si­as­ti­cal assis­tant for Italy of the CA Foundation

Wit­ness III: Ste­fano Gat­tame­la­ta, group of the CA of Rome, lawyer.


  1. 18 Feb­ru­ary 2019- online meet­ing. Hours 20,30 — 23,00

Top­ic: Peo­ple and jus­tice: between cor­po­rate con­flicts and SDC principles 

Rap­por­teur: Gio­van­ni Gran­di, Pro­fes­sor of Moral Phi­los­o­phy at the State Uni­ver­si­ty of Padua


III. 1 March 2019 - online meet­ing. Hours 20,30 — 23,00

Theme: The oth­er half of the econ­o­my. The val­ue of gra­tu­itous­ness and the com­mon good of the markets

Rap­por­teur: Alessan­dra Smer­il­li, Sale­sian — Pro­fes­sor of Eco­nom­ics at the Lum­sa Uni­ver­si­ty of Rome and at the Pon­tif­i­cal Fac­ul­ty Auxilium.


  1. 9–10 March 2019 - res­i­den­tial meeting

Theme: Act­ing as Believ­ers in Pub­lic Space Inspired by Con­sti­tu­tion­al Prin­ci­ples and the DCS

Rap­por­teur:Gian Maria Flick, for­mer Pres­i­dent of the Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court

Speak­er: Deep­en­ing the SDC with select­ed texts: Fabi­ano Lon­go­ni, SDC pro­fes­sor and for­mer direc­tor of the Nation­al Office for Social Prob­lems and Labour.

Wit­ness III: Dr Pao­la Zuliani, CA Tre­vi­so con­tact person


  1. 18 March 2019- online meet­ing. Hours 20,30 — 23,00

Theme: Old and new pop­ulisms: what future for democracy?

Rap­por­teur: Dami­ano Palano, lec­tur­er at the Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty of the Sacred Heart


  1. 9 April 2019- online meet­ing. Hours 20,30 — 23,00

Top­ic: Work in the SDC is the dig­ni­ty of the worker

Rap­por­teur: Ser­gio Gat­ti, Pres­i­dent of the Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee of the Social Weeks of Ital­ian Catholics — Direc­tor Gen­er­al Federcasse


VII. 11–12 May, 2019 - res­i­den­tial meeting

Top­ic: The envi­ron­ment and inte­gral human devel­op­ment in the SDC

  1. Rap­por­teur: Enri­co Gio­van­ni­ni, econ­o­mist, sta­tis­ti­cian and academic
  2. Deep­en­ing of the SDC with select­ed texts: Pao­lo Benan­ti,pro­fes­sor of moral the­ol­o­gy at the Pon­tif­i­cal Gre­go­ri­an University

Wit­ness III: Prof.ssa Anna Maria Taran­to­la, course direc­tor




The res­i­den­tial meet­ings will take place at the Isti­tu­to Maria SS. Bam­bi­na (Via Pao­lo VI, 21 — Rome) at the fol­low­ing times:



10 a.m.            credit

10.30 a.m.        instruction

11 a.m.              tuition

12 o’clock         laboratory

13.30 hours     lun­cheon

2.30 p.m.         time for dia­logue with the rapporteur

4 p.m.             lis­ten­ing to a witness

5.30 p.m.         Eucharis­tic celebration



9,00 a.m.        meeting

9.15 am          praise and lectio

10 a.m.           deep­en­ing of an SDC doc­u­ment with an expert

11 a.m.            silence time for per­son­al read­ing and the elab­o­ra­tion of a paper (max 1 page) that per­son­al­izes the experience

12 o’clock       group exchange

13:00               find­ings


Par­tic­i­pants in the Course will par­tic­i­pate in the 2019 Inter­na­tion­al Conference.