Unofficial translation by Christusliberat below in English:
The SDC’s compass: from moral awareness to social behaviour
Reasons for the course and its method
The SDCcourse of the Centesimus Annus — Pro Pontifice Foundation aims above all to train public and private leaders, professionals, academics, entrepreneurs, scientific and technological operators, including in particular young people, in the principles and actions of the SDC.
The method proposed, already experimented and elaborated in other places, is composed of three levels of learning: the academic one, made up of contents, texts of the magisterium, knowledge of articles and volumes of deepening and so on; an experientiallevel in which everyone can personalize the contents through laboratory work, group sharing, short papersto be elaborated at the end of each meeting and a final thesis; a sapientiallevel in which, through the most spiritual part that nourishes the DCS, everyone can discern and act on the change of their own behaviour. The aim is to build a thinking community and a real community experience that can also affect the public space and in particular the vital worlds to which the Foundation addresses.
The three macro themes that have been chosen to plan the 7 meetings follow the 3 principles of the SDC, but a particular focus will be made on the latest texts of the SDC in order to dialogue with the world on the issues of justice, the environment and the common good.
A folder will also be prepared with selected articles, in particular from the magazine La Civiltà Cattolica,studies that have been approved by the Secretariat of State and represent a sort of aid to help students to deepen their knowledge of the social texts of the Church.
From this year, also the Members of the Foundation will be directly involved through the “testimonies” in the worlds in which they are involved, which will help the course participants to get to know the Foundation directly.
From next year the course in SDC of the Foundation, maintaining its autonomy and specificity, could be supported in the seats of the magazine La Civiltà Cattolicaand the Pontifical Gregorian University. In order to prepare this step as well, it is necessary that each member feels responsible for making known, promoting and selecting new students, animating and supporting them for the good of all.
The Foundation will be committed to spreading and publicizing the course, but it is the direct loyalty that will allow us to consolidate in the proposal we believe in and to grow as a community.
At the end of the course, an essay summarizing the student’s learning and experience will be delivered, as well as a certificate signed by the President of the Foundation attesting to attendance.
Dates, topics and speakers
- 9–10 February 2019- residential meeting
Topic: From market society to the market economy of the DCS
Speaker:Davide Maggi, Professor of Business Economics at the University of Eastern Piedmont
II Rapporteur: Deepening the SDC: Walter Magnoni, ecclesiastical assistant for Italy of the CA Foundation
Witness III: Stefano Gattamelata, group of the CA of Rome, lawyer.
- 18 February 2019- online meeting. Hours 20,30 — 23,00
Topic: People and justice: between corporate conflicts and SDC principles
Rapporteur: Giovanni Grandi, Professor of Moral Philosophy at the State University of Padua
III. 1 March 2019 - online meeting. Hours 20,30 — 23,00
Theme: The other half of the economy. The value of gratuitousness and the common good of the markets
Rapporteur: Alessandra Smerilli, Salesian — Professor of Economics at the Lumsa University of Rome and at the Pontifical Faculty Auxilium.
- 9–10 March 2019 - residential meeting
Theme: Acting as Believers in Public Space Inspired by Constitutional Principles and the DCS
Rapporteur:Gian Maria Flick, former President of the Constitutional Court
Speaker: Deepening the SDC with selected texts: Fabiano Longoni, SDC professor and former director of the National Office for Social Problems and Labour.
Witness III: Dr Paola Zuliani, CA Treviso contact person
- 18 March 2019- online meeting. Hours 20,30 — 23,00
Theme: Old and new populisms: what future for democracy?
Rapporteur: Damiano Palano, lecturer at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
- 9 April 2019- online meeting. Hours 20,30 — 23,00
Topic: Work in the SDC is the dignity of the worker
Rapporteur: Sergio Gatti, President of the Organizing Committee of the Social Weeks of Italian Catholics — Director General Federcasse
VII. 11–12 May, 2019 - residential meeting
Topic: The environment and integral human development in the SDC
- Rapporteur: Enrico Giovannini, economist, statistician and academic
- Deepening of the SDC with selected texts: Paolo Benanti,professor of moral theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University
Witness III: Prof.ssa Anna Maria Tarantola, course director
The residential meetings will take place at the Istituto Maria SS. Bambina (Via Paolo VI, 21 — Rome) at the following times:
10 a.m. credit
10.30 a.m. instruction
11 a.m. tuition
12 o’clock laboratory
13.30 hours luncheon
2.30 p.m. time for dialogue with the rapporteur
4 p.m. listening to a witness
5.30 p.m. Eucharistic celebration
9,00 a.m. meeting
9.15 am praise and lectio
10 a.m. deepening of an SDC document with an expert
11 a.m. silence time for personal reading and the elaboration of a paper (max 1 page) that personalizes the experience
12 o’clock group exchange
13:00 findings
Participants in the Course will participate in the 2019 International Conference.