Human Trafficking Training About This Course
Human trafficking is the recruiting, transporting, harbouring, or receiving of a person for the purpose of exploiting them. Traffickers use threats, force, coercion, deception, or other means to force a person to provide labour or sexual services, and sometimes their organs. Human trafficking occurs in most countries around the world, including Canada, and not just to foreign nationals, but to Canadian citizens as well.
Human Trafficking: Canada Is Not Immune is designed for service providers who may come into contact with a trafficked person in the course of their work.
The general public is also encouraged to take this course to learn more about human trafficking in Canada.
The focus of this course is to help you to better recognize, protect, and assist people who may have been trafficked, and to help safeguard their human rights. It is not meant to train you in investigative law enforcement techniques or in conducting a criminal prosecution, although law enforcement and Crown Counsel/Attorneys may benefit from the information provided in this course.
B.C.‘s Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons
This online course was developed and updated by B.C.’s Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons (OCTIP), Community Safety and Crime Prevention Branch, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. OCTIP’s mandate is to:
- Support communities in building local capacity to address human trafficking.
- Raise awareness and provide training and education about human trafficking in B.C. and Canada.
- Identify gaps and barriers in services, policies, and legislation that impede trafficked persons’ internationally-protected human rights.
- Contribute to national and international efforts to combat human trafficking.