This toolk­it offers tips and resources to engage your cam­pus and com­mu­ni­ty to raise aware­ness of human trafficking.

It also includes posters to dis­play in dorms, pub­lic areas on your cam­pus, and around town.

The Blue Cam­paign is the uni­fied voice for theU.S. Depart­ment of Home­land Security’s (DHS)efforts to com­bat human traf­fick­ing. Work­ing with fed­er­al, state, and local gov­ern­ments –includ­ing law enforce­ment and non- gov­ern­men­tal and oth­er pri­vate orga­ni­za­tions, the Blue Cam­paign strives to pro­tect the fun­da­men­tal right to free­dom and bring those who exploit human lives to justice.

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