Inter­na­tion­al food sup­ply chains pro­vide employ­ment for tens of mil­lions of women and men around the world, demon­strat­ing the poten­tial for pri­vate sec­tor actors to fight pover­ty and inequal­i­ty. Yet far too many work in appalling con­di­tions. The ongo­ing chal­lenges in seafood sup­ply chains are illus­tra­tive of the prob­lems that can arise and the need for stake­hold­ers to tack­le their root caus­es. This is one of a series of in-depth stud­ies to sup­ple­ment Oxfam’s glob­al cam­paign report, Ripe for Change: End­ing human suf­fer­ing in super­mar­ket sup­ply chains.

This report assess­es recent progress in real­iz­ing work­ers’ rights in seafood sup­ply chains orig­i­nat­ing in South­east Asia; pro­vides new evi­dence of ongo­ing work­ers’ rights chal­lenges in US and Euro­pean super­mar­ket shrimp sup­ply chains begin­ning in Indone­sia and Thai­land; and explores the need, in par­tic­u­lar, to address the buy­er pow­er of super­mar­kets and oth­er lead firms to squeeze val­ue from their suppliers.

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Super­mar­kets Score­card data:

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HFIAS data:

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BASIC dat:

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