Medical Genocide: Hidden Mass Murder in China’s Organ Transplant Industry

Chi­na now per­forms the most organ trans­plants in the world yet has few vol­un­tary donors. While the gov­ern­ment has admit­ted to har­vest­ing organs from death row pris­on­ers, they account for a tiny frac­tion of trans­plants per­formed in the coun­try. Based on a decade of research, this doc­u­men­tary uncov­ers the true source of these organs: an ongo­ing crime against human­i­ty with an esti­mat­ed tens of thou­sands of inno­cent vic­tims each year.


Med­ical Geno­cide: Hid­den Mass Mur­der in Chi­na’s Organ Trans­plant Indus­try from Chi­na Organ Har­vest Research Ctr on Vimeo.

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