The Orga­nized Crime and Cor­rup­tion Report­ing Project (OCCRP) is an inves­tiga­tive report­ing plat­form formed by 40 non-prof­it inves­tiga­tive cen­ters, scores of jour­nal­ists and sev­er­al major region­al news orga­ni­za­tions around the globe. Our net­work is spread across Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin Amer­i­ca. We teamed up in 2006 to do transna­tion­al inves­tiga­tive report­ing and pro­mote tech­nol­o­gy-based approach­es to expos­ing orga­nized crime and cor­rup­tion worldwide.


OCCRP’s goal is to help the peo­ple of the world under­stand how orga­nized crime and cor­rup­tion resides in their coun­tries and in their gov­ern­ments. Our orga­ni­za­tion doesn’t belong to any coun­try, polit­i­cal phi­los­o­phy or set of beliefs oth­er than that all peo­ple should be allowed to choose their own gov­ern­ments and lead their own lives in safe­ty, lib­er­ty and oppor­tu­ni­ty. Our reporters and edi­tors come from dozens of countries.

Our world is increas­ing­ly polar­ized. The world’ media chan­nels are rife with pro­pa­gan­da, mis­in­for­ma­tion and sim­ply wrong infor­ma­tion. We must all strive to under­stand how our increas­ing­ly com­plex soci­ety works. We must be able to find the truth to make the kinds of deci­sions we need to. We are com­mit­ted in our small way to telling the truth the best we can.