Mission: FAAST exists to mobilize and equip communities to combat slavery and human trafficking and to restore survivors.
Vision: We see a world of transformed communities, free of slavery and exploitation
We believe every human being is created in the image of God with inherent dignity, value and purpose. We believe that followers of Jesus have a biblical mandate to care for the poor and the oppressed—those who are vulnerable and exploited. Slavery and human trafficking are forms of evil that seek to destroy God’s image in people and corrupt His purposes for humanity. FAAST exists because eradicating human trafficking reflects the heart of God.
We believe there is hope. We believe the best agency of change and restoration is God’s people, the Church. We need the entire body of Christ working together to effectively address human trafficking. Thus, FAAST was created to foster a community of Christ-followers equipped to restore freedom to those captive in exploitation and slavery.
FAAST provides a framework for collaboration between Christian churches, denominations, universities and communities around the world who are rising up to confront human trafficking. We connect God’s people through the power of partnership, and equip them through the creation of resources, facilitation of training events, and development of anti-trafficking programs. Each partner organization’s impact is multiplied as our resources and efforts are combined to form large-scale anti-trafficking projects.
FAAST member organizations leverage our combined strengths and resources to advance the kingdom of God by generating united and active responses to the injustices of slavery and human trafficking. At the national level, the FAAST team collaborates monthly to conduct ongoing projects, research, training events and resource development. Locally and internationally, there is also extensive grassroots collaboration and networking between member organizations. We accomplish so much more by working together.