Mis­sion: FAAST exists to mobi­lize and equip com­mu­ni­ties to com­bat slav­ery and human traf­fick­ing and to restore survivors.

Vision: We see a world of trans­formed com­mu­ni­ties, free of slav­ery and exploitation

We believe every human being is cre­at­ed in the image of God with inher­ent dig­ni­ty, val­ue and pur­pose. We believe that fol­low­ers of Jesus have a bib­li­cal man­date to care for the poor and the oppressed—those who are vul­ner­a­ble and exploit­ed.  Slav­ery and human traf­fick­ing are forms of evil that seek to destroy God’s image in peo­ple and cor­rupt His pur­pos­es for human­i­ty. FAAST exists because erad­i­cat­ing human traf­fick­ing reflects the heart of God.

We believe there is hope.  We believe the best agency of change and restora­tion is God’s peo­ple, the Church.  We need the entire body of Christ work­ing togeth­er to effec­tive­ly address human traf­fick­ing. Thus, FAAST was cre­at­ed to fos­ter a com­mu­ni­ty of Christ-fol­low­ers equipped to restore free­dom to those cap­tive in exploita­tion and slavery.

FAAST pro­vides a frame­work for col­lab­o­ra­tion between Chris­t­ian church­es, denom­i­na­tions, uni­ver­si­ties and com­mu­ni­ties around the world who are ris­ing up to con­front human traf­fick­ing. We con­nect God’s peo­ple through the pow­er of part­ner­ship, and equip them through the cre­ation of resources, facil­i­ta­tion of train­ing events, and devel­op­ment of anti-traf­fick­ing pro­grams. Each part­ner organization’s impact is mul­ti­plied as our resources and efforts are com­bined to form large-scale anti-traf­fick­ing projects.

FAAST mem­ber orga­ni­za­tions lever­age our com­bined strengths and resources to advance the king­dom of God by gen­er­at­ing unit­ed and active respons­es to the injus­tices of slav­ery and human traf­fick­ing.  At the nation­al lev­el, the FAAST team col­lab­o­rates month­ly to con­duct ongo­ing projects, research, train­ing events and resource devel­op­ment. Local­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly, there is also exten­sive grass­roots col­lab­o­ra­tion and net­work­ing between mem­ber orga­ni­za­tions. We accom­plish so much more by work­ing together.


