The Com­mis­sion for Jus­tice, Peace and the Integri­ty of Cre­ation (JPIC) has its roots in the Pas­toral Cos­ti­tu­tion Gaudi­um Spes (cf. n. 90) and in the Syn­od of Bish­ops on Jus­tice in the world (1971). It was for­malised as a joint work­ing group with USG / UISG in 1982.

In 2003 to high­light the issue of traf­fick­ing for male and female reli­gious con­gre­ga­tions, church groups and net­works of NGOs who col­lab­o­rate with reli­gious orders, the Work­ing Group on Traf­fick­ing in Women and Chil­dren of the Jus­tice, Peace and Integri­ty of Cre­ation Com­mis­sion of the Unions of Supe­ri­ors Gen­er­al (USG/UISG) devel­oped a resource kit that focus­es on pre­ven­tion, reha­bil­i­ta­tion and polit­i­cal action.

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