“Already the most dis­cussed and most impor­tant reli­gious book of the decade.” —David Brooks

In this con­tro­ver­sial best­seller, Rod Dreher calls on Amer­i­can Chris­tians to pre­pare for the com­ing Dark Age by embrac­ing an ancient Chris­t­ian way of life.

From the inside, Amer­i­can church­es have been hol­lowed out by the depar­ture of young peo­ple and by an insipid pseudo–Christianity. From the out­side, they are beset by chal­lenges to reli­gious lib­er­ty in a rapid­ly sec­u­lar­iz­ing cul­ture. Keep­ing Hillary Clin­ton out of the White House may have bought a brief reprieve from the state’s assault, but it will not stop the West’s slide into deca­dence and dissolution.

Rod Dreher argues that the way for­ward is actu­ally the way back—all the way to St. Bene­dict of Nur­sia. This sixth-cen­tu­ry monk, hor­ri­fied by the moral chaos fol­low­ing Rome’s fall, retreat­ed to the for­est and cre­at­ed a new way of life for Chris­tians. He built endur­ing com­mu­ni­ties based on prin­ci­ples of order, hos­pi­tal­i­ty, sta­bil­i­ty, and prayer. His spir­i­tu­al cen­ters of hope were strong­holds of light through­out the Dark Ages, and saved not just Chris­tian­i­ty but West­ern civilization.

Today, a new form of bar­barism reigns. Many believ­ers are blind to it, and their church­es are too weak to resist. Pol­i­tics offers lit­tle help in this spir­i­tu­al cri­sis. What is need­ed is the Bene­dict Option, a strat­e­gy that draws on the author­i­ty of Scrip­ture and the wis­dom of the ancient church. The goal: to embrace exile from main­stream cul­ture and con­struct a resilient counterculture.

The Bene­dict Option is both man­i­festo and ral­ly­ing cry for Chris­tians who, if they are not to be con­quered, must learn how to fight on cul­ture war bat­tle­fields like none the West has seen for fif­teen hun­dred years. It’s for all mere Chris­tians—Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox—who can read the signs of the times. Nei­ther false opti­mism nor fatal­is­tic despair will do. Only faith, hope, and love, embod­ied in a renewed church, can sus­tain believ­ers in the dark age that has over­tak­en us. These are the days for build­ing strong arks for the long jour­ney across a sea of night.

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