Why has the church become so mar­gin­alised in our culture?

A lead­ing British the­olo­gian argues that the church must regain con­fi­dence in its doc­trine to shape and influ­ence phi­los­o­phy, ethics, aes­thet­ics, eco­nom­ics, gen­der rela­tions and the forms of the State.

Writ­ten from a posi­tion of ‘rad­i­cal tra­di­tion­al­ism’, and sit­u­at­ed in the main­stream of con­tem­po­rary Roman Catholi­cism, Aidan Nichols calls on the Church to recov­er per­spec­tive and re-launch its cre­ative mis­sion in the new millennium.

Praise for Chris­ten­dom Wake:
‘Rere­late faith and cul­ture, re-enchant the Litur­gy, recen­tre on the end. It must, it can be done — a rich and pas­sion­ate book.’
–Car­di­nal Christoph Schönborn

‘This book embod­ies the very thing it pro­pos­es: the awak­en­ing and remak­ing of Chris­ten­dom. Eng­land’s fore­most Catholic the­olo­gian dis­plays the undi­min­ished capac­i­ty of clas­si­cal Catholi­cism for the renew­ing of litur­gy and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, phi­los­o­phy and the­ol­o­gy, exe­ge­sis and ecu­menism, art and archi­tec­ture, con­se­crat­ed life and fam­i­ly life, eco­nom­ics and pol­i­tics. If there is a Catholic Chris­t­ian cul­ture, then it is here!’
–Pro­fes­sor John Saward

‘Fr Nichols is full of insights, of beau­ty and of the unex­pect­ed. This is indeed an impor­tant book, one which could alter hearts, minds and imag­i­na­tions. It could give birth to numer­ous prog­e­ny. It would do lit­tle jus­tice to Aidan Nichols’ vision if this meant only to oth­er peo­ple’s books.’

David Fos­ter, Catholic Family

‘Aidan Nichol’s provoca­tive, wide-rang­ing char­ter for renew­al, Chris­ten­dom Awake, should be com­pul­so­ry read­ing for all those who believe that the future well-being of the Catholic Church depends sim­ply on the full imple­men­ta­tion of the so-called ‘Spir­it of Vat­i­can Ii’.’

–Revd Dr Ian Ker

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