The rapidly increasing presence and use of generative AI since the end of 2022 – epitomized in platforms such as ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion etc. – raises a number of questions. These include not only the widely known (optimistic or worrying) projections about the beneficial use of AI in research, the alleged “end of truth” or an expected “end of work”. What’s more, such prognostics are directly linked to developments that affect current labor – for and with AI. In contrast to the idea of purely machine-based systems, human work is an essential agency and prerequisite of virtually every manifestation of contemporary AI: the human labor of data workers (labeling huge amounts of data for the “learning” machines) as well as the creation of the textual and visual content to be captured and crawled on the internet (to become the basis of human-led learning as data).
For both forms of human agency, implicated in a supposedly artificial and autonomous technology as they are, the question of legitimacy arises. Years of exploiting human (pre-)labor for automated artificial intelligence processes don’t legitimize such extractive practice. Far from it, they instead demand critical incursions by legal advocacy and scholarship that pertain to labor law and intellectual property legislation. By necessity, the conditions of AI’s production and its terms have to be brought to the fore with as much clarity as possible.
The working conditions of data workers, who are scattered all over the world, poorly paid and – due to labeling and filtering out violent and disturbing content – mentally burdened, need to be scrutinized and improved. Also, the copyright on the data used (not only, but especially for the work of artists) has to be adressed. It’s always about masses – about enormous amounts of data processed by the huge number of data workers, which:
the World Bank currently estimates at between 150 and 430 million.
Both aspects therefore illustrate the importance of the production and use of (big) data for this new form of technology. They help with today’s urgent task of understanding how artificial intelligence works.
Initiatives such as the 2023 Content Moderators Manifesto, the collective research project Data Workers’ Inquiry launched in Summer 2024 and the ongoing lawsuits filed by authors, screenwriters and publishers against Open AI and Microsoft are important steps. They provoke further questions such as what can become data at all, where new data comes from, who has the authority to interpret the data and how, and what role the users of platforms such as ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion and many more play in this.
The workshop “AI as Work. Terms and Conditions of Contemporary Image and Knowledge Production” will bring into conversation researchers, practitioners and activists Ariana Dongus, Krystal Kauffman, Nicolas Malevé and Tianling Yang. With the following impulses:
Krystal Kauffman:
The Data Workers behind AI: Exploitation in the Industry and how to Prevent it
Ariana Dongus:
Always in Beta? AI, Data, and Labor in Experimental Economies of Exclusion
Nicolas Malevé:
The Vagaries of the Artistic Class in Generative AI
Precisely because the infrastructures and concrete functionalities of AI are often hidden, abstract and not easy to understand, the focus of this gathering will be on discussions with all participants.
The workshop is part of the project “Terms and Conditions. The Legal Form of Images” and a collaboration of the Media Studies program (EMW) at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and University of Potsdam with the Harun Farocki Institut (HaFI), Berlin, and the Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig.