Emmy Award-win­ning jour­nal­ist Karen Swensen and WYES shine a spot­light on the com­plex cri­sis of the sex traf­fick­ing trade in Louisiana.

The WYES doc­u­men­tary, TURNING THE TIDE: A STORY OF HELL, HEALING AND HOPE expos­es the hor­rors of sex traf­fick­ing and iden­ti­fies a grow­ing team of per­haps unlike­ly war­riors that has mobi­lized to fight the prob­lem of sex traf­fick­ing. They include Louisiana First Lady Don­na Edwards, a group of Catholic nuns run­ning the secret heal­ing cen­ter called Metanoia, and three hero­ic sur­vivors turned advo­cates. In shock­ing trans­paren­cy, these three sur­vivors share their jour­neys into the depths of deprav­i­ty, explain­ing with the clar­i­ty of hind­sight what made them vul­ner­a­ble and the dan­gers that lurk in our own back­yard. The WYES doc­u­men­tary TURNING THE TIDE: A STORY OF HELL, HEALING, AND HOPE pre­miered Octo­ber 23, 2023.

For more infor­ma­tion vis­it www.turningthetidefilm.org