The upcoming feature film, ‘Sound of Freedom,’ follows the true story of a US government agent who quits to travel the world saving children from bondage.

Jim Caviezel will star in a new film, Sound of Free­dom, which is based on the true sto­ry of Tim Bal­lard, a US agent who spent his career sav­ing chil­dren from the dan­ger­ous world of child traf­fick­ing. The film was recent­ly acquired by Angel Stu­dios, a plat­form that empow­ers cre­ators to crowd­fund and dis­trib­ute films and TV series glob­al­ly with full cre­ative con­trol. Angel Stu­dios has announced the world­wide release of Sound of Free­dom in the sec­ond half of 2023.