At the heart of the ethical consumer movement, since 1989.

Ethics Made Easy

Each day we all make choic­es accord­ing to our per­son­al ethics. Eth­i­cal Con­sumer pro­vides the tools and resources you need to make these choic­es sim­ple, informed and effective.

Some of this infor­ma­tion is free to access, while the full set of tools is avail­able for a small year­ly sub­scrip­tion, which in turn helps fund our work.

Our income comes entire­ly from:

  • read­er subscriptions 
  • con­sul­tan­cy work for cam­paign groups and eth­i­cal organisations 
  • adverts from eth­i­cal­ly vet­ted com­pa­nies, grants and oth­er income 

We are an inde­pen­dent, not-for-prof­it, mul­ti-stake­hold­er co-oper­a­tive with open mem­ber­ship, found­ed in 1989 and based in Manchester.