Human Rights Council — A/HRC/50/33
Trafficking in persons in the agriculture sector: human rights due diligence and sustainable development – Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons,
especially women and children
Statement by Professor Michel Veuthey
Ambassador to monitor and combat trafficking in persons, Deputy Permanent Observer in Geneva
Geneva, 21 June 2022
Mr. President, Excellencies,
The Sovereign Order of Malta wishes to express its thanks to the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons,
especially women and children, Siobhán Mullally. We would like to congratulate the Special Rapporteur and her team for their well-documented report (A/HRC/50/33) on “Trafficking in persons in the agriculture sector: human rights due diligence and sustainable development”.
The Order of Malta would like to highlight the value of the concrete action of many religious congregations in the protection and rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking.
Allow me to briefly describe the Order of Malta’s contribution to the fight against human trafficking:
(1) Raising awareness
- Through its bilateral (112 States) and multilateral diplomatic network, organizing and participating in conferences
(2) Assisting victims through medical and social programs
- Through its National Associations and its worldwide humanitarian organization “Malteser International”.
- With a pilot project in Lagos: “Bakhita Centre” with Sr Patricia Ebegbulem, SSL (Sisters of Saint Louis)
- Gathering and disseminating good practices on the site
(3) Offering a free online training course for helpers (in English and French on
(4) Organizing 20 webinars on human trafficking ( ) with subtitles in seven languages (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish )
The Order of Malta supports the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur calling upon Member States to ratify and implement all relevant international and regional human rights and labour rights standards. The Order of Malta wishes that the important role of religions and FBOs be mentioned in their role in effectively preventing and addressing contemporary forms of slavery.
The Order of Malta would welcome an increased collaboration with the Special Rapporteur on preventing and combating trafficking in persons.
Thank you.