The Cana­di­an Cen­tre for Child Pro­tec­tion is very proud of the work that went into cre­at­ing the A Resource Guide for Schools: Address­ing Self/Peer Exploita­tion. We are opti­mistic that this guide will assist school per­son­nel and fam­i­lies in respond­ing to self/peer exploita­tion inci­dents as well as pre­vent­ing youth’s involve­ment in this activ­i­ty. We offer the fol­low­ing professionals/ agen­cies our sin­cere grat­i­tude for their con­tri­bu­tion to the devel­op­ment of this crit­i­cal resource: Dr. Lawrence Eller­by (Psy­chol­o­gist), Dr. John Wiens (Edu­ca­tion Pro­fes­sor and For­mer Dean), Dr. Deb­bie Lind­say (Pedi­a­tri­cian, Child Pro­tec­tion Cen­tre), Danielle Kolton (Ph.D), Lisa Hen­der­son (Ontario Provin­cial Strat­e­gy Crown Coor­di­na­tor), Jan Sip­pel (Coor­di­na­tor — Abuse Pre­ven­tion, Van­cou­ver School Board), Dr. Beth Veale (School Sup­port Offi­cer, Peel Dis­trict School Board), Toron­to Police Ser­vice Sex Crimes — Child Exploita­tion Unit, Ontario Provin­cial Police — Child Sex­u­al Exploita­tion Sec­tion, Ottawa Police Ser­vice Inter­net Child Exploita­tion Unit, RCMP E Divi­sion Inte­grat­ed Child Exploita­tion Unit, South­ern Alber­ta Inter­net Child Exploita­tion Unit, Saskatchewan Provin­cial Inte­grat­ed ICE Unit, and Hal­i­fax Inte­grat­ed Child Exploita­tion Unit. Spe­cial thanks goes to the tire­less efforts of the Cana­di­an Cen­tre for Child Pro­tec­tion staff for their per­sis­tence and ded­i­ca­tion to deliv­er­ing an out­stand­ing resource guide for edu­ca­tors, school-based police offi­cers, fam­i­lies and youth impact­ed by self/peer exploita­tion inci­dents. In addi­tion, our sin­cere thanks to Jus­tice Cana­da, Pub­lic Safe­ty Cana­da and Bell for pro­vid­ing crit­i­cal fund­ing support.



Many youth take pictures/videos and send them to friends or post the con­tent online. When a sex­u­al image/video ends up on the Inter­net, the pri­ma­ry focus of the affect­ed youth is get­ting the con­tent down. If you know of a youth that has been impact­ed by a sex­u­al picture/video being post­ed on the Inter­net, let her/him know about for some prac­ti­cal steps about regain­ing some con­trol over the con­tent. The Addi­tion­al Resources sec­tion of this guide also walks through what youth can say to a website/online ser­vice to expe­dite a picture/video being removed.