This report tells the sto­ries of some of the world’s 7.1 mil­lion refugee chil­dren of school age under UNHCR’s man­date. In addi­tion, it looks at the edu­ca­tion­al aspi­ra­tions of refugee youth eager to con­tin­ue learn­ing after sec­ondary edu­ca­tion, and high­lights the need for strong part­ner­ships in order to break down the bar­ri­ers to edu­ca­tion for mil­lions of refugee children.

Edu­ca­tion data on refugee enrol­ments and pop­u­la­tion num­bers is drawn from UNHCR’s pop­u­la­tion data­base, report­ing tools and edu­ca­tion sur­veys and refers to 2018. Age-dis­ag­gre­gat­ed data is not avail­able for the whole refugee pop­u­la­tion. Where this data is not avail­able, it has been esti­mat­ed on the basis of avail­able age dis­ag­gre­gat­ed data. The report also ref­er­ences glob­al enrol­ment data from the UNESCO Insti­tute for Sta­tis­tics refer­ring to 2017.
