We’re an NGO. non-profit organization made up of volunteers who work ad honorem, with undergraduate and graduate training in different specialties, committed to the founding principles of the Social Organization.
We started our territorial activities in 1997.
In 2010 we were granted legal recognition as a Civil Association by Resolution No. 467 “A” /10 granted by the I.P.J.
The objective of the NGO is to train people to promote changes that promote an expansion of Rights and an improvement of opportunities for people in general and children and adolescents in particular through a process of training and awareness that commits people to their territorial realities.
Our vision is of a society in which all people, particularly children and adolescents, develop as subjects of rights within the framework of respect, opportunities and equity.
Our objectives can be summarized as:
Social participation: To create instances of participation for the transmission, understanding and defence of individual rights through theoretical and practical training.
Social Awareness: To make society aware of its responsibility in relation to the situations of vulnerability experienced by adults, children and adolescents.
Commitment: To promote the commitment of each person to promote territorial initiatives of equity and support other local proposals that respond to real social problems.
Development in accordance with human dignity: To promote human dignity in all its ethical and cultural dimensions, particularly effective equality of opportunity between men and women and access to the rights of victims of trafficking.
Solidarity: To contribute to the construction of a sensitive and committed society towards the most vulnerable people.
Translated with
Nuestros objetivos se pueden resumir en:
* Participación social: Crear instancias de participación para la transmisión, comprensión y defensa de los derechos individuales, mediante la formación teórica y práctica.
* Sensibilización social: Sensibilizar a la sociedad sobre la responsabilidad ante las situaciones de vulnerabilidad que viven adultos, niños, niñas y adolescentes.
* Compromiso: Fomentar el compromiso de cada persona a que propicie iniciativas territoriales de equidad y respalde otras propuestas locales que respondan a auténticas problemáticas sociales.
* Desarrollo acorde a la dignidad de las personas: Promover la dignidad humana en toda su dimensión ética y cultural, particularmente la igualdad efectiva de oportunidades entre el hombre y la mujer y el acceso a los derechos de las víctimas de trata.