This is a meeting of our Ethics in Action initiative, predicated on the notion that the grave and urgent challenges facing the world are moral challenges requiring moral solutions. Our goal is to develop a moral consensus among religious leaders from the different faith traditions, academics, business and labour leaders, development practitioners, politicians, and civil society representatives, who take part in our meetings, and to deploy that consensus as the basis for concrete ethical action.
This seventh Ethics in Action workshop is focused both on establishing an estimate of the number of people trapped in modern slavery, in terms of human trafficking, prostitution, forced labour and organ trafficking, and on assessing the best practices to eradicate this “crime against humanity” (Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis). Needless to say, these victims experience the gravest injustices not only because they are excluded from human rights, but also because the violence they suffer against the integrity of their human body and soul, annihilates their self-confidence, personality and trust in others and society – they cannot form any friendships, let alone a family.