CREATING AN EFFECTIVE COALITION TO ACHIEVE SDG 8.7: International Advisory Commission Report to Commonwealth Heads of Government
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM) can be defining momentsin Commonwealth history. 1971 is remembered for the Singapore Declaration, the 1991 for the Harare Declaration, and 1995 for the Millbrook Commonwealth Action Plan. It is to be seen whether this 2018 Summit will go down in history for taking action against forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking, child labour, and the use of child soldiers. This CHOGM’s theme is ‘[t]owards a common future,’ and what better legacy could this Summit leave than serious and lasting Commonwealth action on SDG 8.7.
This report calls on CHOGM to convene governments, parliamentarians, officials,business leaders and civil society in a new framework of annual meetings with a focus on SDG 8.7 commitments; encourage all Commonwealth member states to ratify relevant international legal instruments; support measures to enhance understanding of the nature and causes of those abuses within SDG 8.7; support the development of nationally specific targets and indicators within the broad 8.7 target,and the improvement of domestic legislation; encourage member states to involve non-governmental bodies in the project for achievement of SDG 8.7; and support member states to collect, evaluate, and report on data relevant to the achievement of SDG 8.7. Click here for report.