Tali­ta Kum is an expres­sion that is found in the Gospel of Mark (5, 41).  The words, trans­lat­ed from the Ara­ma­ic mean “young girl, I say to you, arise.”  These words are addressed by Jesus to the twelve year old daugh­ter of Jairus, who lay appar­ent­ly life­less.  After utter­ing these words, Jesus took her by the hand and she imme­di­ate­ly got up and walked.

The world­wide net­work of con­se­crat­ed life com­mit­ted against traf­fick­ing of peo­ple chose the expres­sion “Tal­itha Kum” to define their identity.

The expres­sion “Tal­itha Kum” has the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of com­pas­sion and mer­cy, which awak­ens the deep desire for dig­ni­ty and life which may be asleep and injured by the many forms of exploitation.

Piaz­za di Ponte San­t’An­ge­lo, 28
00186 Roma, Italia

Tel: 0039 06 68 400 20
Fax: 0039 06 68 400 239