Why the metaphor of cannibalism?

Using mon­ey to pur­chase the func­tions or prod­ucts of a human body to improve one’s health is sur­pris­ing­ly sim­i­lar to the rit­u­al can­ni­bal­ism of eat­ing someone’s body to take on their virtues.

As we know, can­ni­bal­ism has very old and very deep roots in human his­to­ry. Greek mythol­o­gy gives many exam­ples, start­ing with Kro­nos, Zeus’s father, right through to Diony­sus and his bac­cha­nals, and Prometheus, each of these being an attempt to explain the ori­gin of human­i­ty. One also finds the metaphor of can­ni­bal­ism in Chris­tian­i­ty, with Jesus’s words at the Last Sup­per: “Who­ev­er eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eter­nal life” (New Tes­ta­ment, John 6:54). In psy­cho­an­a­lyt­ic lan­guage, can­ni­bal­ism express­es the notion of “incor­po­ra­tion,” a phase in a child’s devel­op­ment when he or she devel­ops a per­cep­tion of the world by “devour­ing” the mater­nal breast (Freud 1950).

Final­ly, the expres­sion “can­ni­bal­ize” is often used in the trade of used parts, par­tic­u­lar­ly of cars and machines. Here, we see how close this expres­sion is to the real­i­ties of trade in the human body which, based on this image, is reduced to the sim­ple pur­chase of used objects in more or less good condition.

In a word, the metaphor of can­ni­bal­ism could seem exces­sive to some, yet it admit­ted­ly does illus­trate well the trad­ing mech­a­nism of appro­pri­at­ing bod­ies for med­i­cine, health or well-being, a prac­tice that is devel­op­ing in the health-care sec­tor on an inter­na­tion­al scale.

Healing that exploits bodies of others

The asso­ci­a­tion of sci­en­tif­ic progress with neolib­er­al glob­al­iza­tion has led to new real­i­ties and new behav­ior in the health sec­tor, such as can­ni­bal mar­kets, new forms of servi­tude and slav­ery, med­ical tourism, and unequal treat­ment in the face of ill­ness and death. The result is a slow migra­tion away from the Hip­po­crat­ic prin­ci­ples that have served as an eth­i­cal frame­work for med­i­cine for the past two thou­sand years. Of course, many would argue that health-care is not like oth­er fields, that it is about suf­fer­ing, ill­ness and death, and in addi­tion that “health has no price.” But is that a rea­son to go as far as dehu­man­iz­ing the other—the oth­er who is also a human being—to the point of reduc­ing his or her body to an object you can pay for to ben­e­fit from?

Advances in bio­med­i­cine have led to new, and par­tic­u­lar­ly lucra­tive, health indus­tries, and their rapid devel­op­ment has con­tributed to major behav­ioral changes that some­times call into ques­tion cer­tain well-estab­lished val­ues that have until now been con­sid­ered uni­ver­sal. Indeed, today, in a glob­al­ized neolib­er­al envi­ron­ment, there are mar­kets for the human body that have lit­tle or no reg­u­la­tion and depend in part on the mas­sive rise in inequal­i­ties world­wide. Such inequal­i­ties are at once social, eco­nom­ic and cul­tur­al and the cre­at­ed mar­kets allow improved health for some people—those in priv­i­leged social classes—by exploit­ing the bod­ies of oth­er human beings—the disadvantaged. 

These new mar­kets result in a new way of look­ing at the integri­ty of the human body, which is no longer a sacred uni­ver­sal value.

We are see­ing the devel­op­ment of world­wide mar­kets in which every­thing can be bought and sold—even the human body—under con­di­tions that are far­ther and far­ther from a respect­ful vision of the human per­son. It is like a huge super­mar­ket in which the con­sumers can find every­thing they think they need. We are expe­ri­enc­ing a true cul­tur­al rev­o­lu­tion, one that pro­vides the imme­di­ate sat­is­fac­tion of per­son­al needs. 

A new type of soci­ety seems to be devel­op­ing insid­i­ous­ly, a pro­found­ly unequal glob­al soci­ety that is less respect­ful of human beings and, per­haps, in the long run, more totalitarian.

This soci­ety oper­ates under rules that more often than not escape all forms of pub­lic reg­u­la­tion, even when they impact the most basic human-rights. As Her­bert Mar­cuse (1955) reminds us: “Con­cen­tra­tion camps, mass exter­mi­na­tions, world wars, and atom bombs are no ‘relapse into bar­barism,’ but the unre­pressed imple­men­ta­tion of the achieve­ments of mod­ern sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy, and domination.”




Glob­al­iza­tion and Mis­us­es of Biotech­nolo­gies: Back to Cannibalism?

Jean-Daniel Rain­horn


Part 1. Trad­ing in the Human Body

New Mar­kets, Old Questions?

Sami­ra El Bouda­mous­si and Vin­cent Barras

Rest in Pieces: A Short Geneal­o­gy of Can­ni­bal Markets

Jean-Jacques Cour­tine

To Ban or Not to Ban: The Ethics of Sell­ing Body Parts

Samia A. Hurst

The case in favor of sell­ing body parts

The case against sell­ing body parts

Qual­i­fy­ing the required regulations


The Val­ue of Life: Reli­gions and Commodification

Sami­ra El Boudamoussi

Method­olog­i­cal aspects

The human body from a reli­gious perspective

Com­mer­cial­iz­ing the body: reli­gious perspectives



Part 2. Wombs for Rent

How Do We Bal­ance Risk and Desire?

René Fry­d­man

States of Con­fu­sion: Reg­u­la­tion of Sur­ro­ga­cy in the Unit­ed States

Seema Moha­p­a­tra


The legal land­scape for sur­ro­ga­cy in the US

Cal­i­for­nia: lead­ing the way in com­mer­cial surrogacy

Next steps


Dan­ish Sperm and Indi­an Wombs: Fer­til­i­ty Tourism

Elis­a­beth Beck-Gernsheim


Moral issues: con­test­ed territory

The grow­ing diver­si­ty of lifestyles

Fer­til­i­ty tourism: a glob­al market

The med­ical pro­fes­sion and com­mer­cial enterprise


For Moth­er­hood and for Mar­ket: Com­mer­cial Sur­ro­ga­cy in India

Saro­ji­ni Nadimpally

Indi­an context

The study



With­in Me, But Not Mine: Sur­ro­ga­cy in Israel

Etti Sama­ma

The Embryo Car­ry­ing Agreement



Con­clu­sions and recommendations


Part 3. Brain Theft

Is Brain Drain Cannibalism?

Alex Mau­ron

An Unfair Trade? Mobil­i­ty of Africa’s Health Professionals

Delanyo Dov­lo and Sheila Mburu

The labor mar­ket for sub-Saha­ran African health professionals

Ethics and moral­i­ty, and the moti­va­tion to behave well

Sum­ma­ry and conclusions

Dou­ble Move­ment: Health Pro­fes­sion­als and Patients in South­east Asia

Nico­la Suyin Pocock


Health-work­er migration

Health-work­ers and health coverage


Selec­tive Immi­gra­tion: Nurse Impor­ta­tion by Devel­oped Countries

Bar­bara L. Brush

Chang­ing US Nurse-Impor­ta­tion Patterns

New Mar­kets, New Competition

Con­se­quences of Change: India and the Philip­pines as Case Studies

“Man­ag­ing” Glob­al Nurse-Work­force Imbalance



Part 4. Organs for Sale

Is Trans­plan­ta­tion Tourism a Form of Can­ni­bal Market?

Philippe Stein­er

State of the Trade: World Trans­plant Tourism

Jacob A. Akoh

Types of tourism

Eth­i­cal dilemmas

Dri­vers of trans­plant tourism

Com­mer­cial kid­ney donors

Trans­plant recip­i­ent outcomes

Glob­al reality

Way for­ward




Lessons in Dona­tion: The Span­ish Expe­ri­ence in Latin America

Rafael Mate­sanz and Beat­riz Mahíllo

Span­ish mod­el of organ dona­tion and transplantation

Glob­al approach to organ shortage

ONT and the Iberoamer­i­can example


An Alter­na­tive to Trade: The Iran Experience

Mitra Mah­davi-Mazdeh

Devel­op­ment of trans­plan­ta­tion in Iran

Brain-death-dona­tion pro­gram implementation

Unre­lat­ed live donors


The Ends of the Body: Neo­can­ni­bal­ism and Mil­i­tary Necropolitics

Nan­cy Scheper-Hughes

Genealo­gies of a tabootopic

Biopira­cy of the dead: the body of the enemy

An anthro­pol­o­gy of evil?

Theft of life—the real, the unre­al and the uncanny

Worst fears


Part 5. The Human-Prod­uct-Bank­ing Industry

Do Human Body Parts Have a Social Life?

Vinh-Kim Nguyen

In the Name of Qual­i­ty and Safe­ty: Com­mer­cial­iza­tion of Human Cells and Tissues

Jean-Paul Pir­nay

Human cells and tissues

Trad­able goods

IFAs—illegal and fraud­u­lent activities

Eth­i­cal issues: out of scope, out of mind?

The glob­al­iza­tion of human cells and tissues

LEPRAs—legal exces­sive prof­it-mak­ing activities

The doc­trine of dou­ble effect

In the name of qual­i­ty and safety

The way ahead


Sell­ing Dona­tions: Ethics and Trans­fu­sion Medicine

Jean-Daniel Tis­sot, Olivi­er Gar­raud, Jean-Jacques Lefrère and Jean-Claude Osselaer

Prin­ci­ples of mod­ern trans­fu­sion medicine

Glob­al­iza­tion, mer­chan­diz­ing (between can­ni­bal­ism and vampirism)

Ethics and trans­fu­sion medicine

The respon­si­bil­i­ties of the pro­fes­sion­al in trans­fu­sion medicine


Who Are the Owners?

Com­mer­cial­iza­tion and Biobanking

Ber­nice S. Elger

Own­er­ship of research biobanks: recent practice

Own­er­ship: a com­plex concept

Own­er­ship of research biobanks: guide­lines employ var­i­ous approaches

Own­er­ship of research biobanks: recent cases



Part 6. The Big­ger Picture

What else? Devel­op­ment, Gen­der, and Human-Rights

Philippe Goyens

From Col­o­niza­tion to Neo­col­o­niza­tion: New Forms of Exploitation

Firouzeh Naha­van­di

Inequal­i­ty and exploita­tion of the human body, phe­nom­e­na as ancient as the world itself

Some fea­tures of today’s com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the human body

A new form of exploita­tion of inter­na­tion­al inequalities

Com­mod­i­fied Bod­ies: Is It a Gen­der Issue?

Judit Sán­dor

Euro­pean law, com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion and commercialization

Gen­der impli­ca­tions of com­mod­i­fy­ing the human body

Com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion of gametes

Com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion and com­mer­cial­iza­tion of the womb


Traf­fick­ing in Per­sons for the Removal of Organs: A Human-Rights Approach

Debra Budi­ani-Saberi and Seán Columb

Impor­tance of a human-rights approach to HTOR

Imple­ment­ing a rights-based approach

Towards the future



Part 7. Map­ping Nation­al and Inter­na­tion­al Responses

Ques­tions for the future

Edward Kel­ley

Lim­it­ing Com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion: Inter­na­tion­al Law and Its Challenges

Carmel Shalev

The para­mount principle

Inter­na­tion­al regulation

Third-par­ty reproduction


Med­ical Prod­ucts of Human Ori­gin: Towards Glob­al Gov­er­nance Tools

Luc Noël and Dominique Martin

Why prod­ucts?

The chal­lenges of failed governance

Gov­er­nance of MPHOs: a respon­si­bil­i­ty for nation­al authorities

The self-suf­fi­cien­cy paradigm

Rejec­tion of finan­cial gain in the human body

The WHO MPHO initiative


Human Com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion: Pro­fes­sions, Gov­ern­ments, and the Need for Fur­ther Exploration

Alexan­der M. Capron

Clas­si­fy­ing the four fields as [mar­ket] commodities

Reg­u­la­tions of med­ical practices

Appli­ca­tion of reg­u­la­tions to “can­ni­bal­ized commodities”



Jean-Daniel Rain­horn and Sami­ra El Boudamoussi

Biogra­phies of the Contributors



The use of new bio­med­ical tech­nolo­gies has led, among oth­er fac­tors, to an increase in demand for health care. How­ev­er, for rea­sons that are main­ly eco­nom­ic, legal, eth­i­cal or relat­ed to a short­age of human resources, pub­lic health ser­vices in devel­oped coun­tries can­not respond to this grow­ing demand, leav­ing some patients with unmet needs.

Lib­er­al­i­sa­tion of the inter­na­tion­al health­care mar­ket and ratio­nal­i­sa­tion of pub­lic health expen­di­ture over the past twen­ty years have result­ed in two fun­da­men­tal changes in the organ­i­sa­tion of health­care ser­vices at a glob­al lev­el. On the one hand, some emerg­ing coun­tries have devel­oped pri­vate, high­ly spe­cialised health ser­vices par­tic­u­lar­ly designed to meet for­eign demand at low cost. This new type of med­ical sup­ply has a grow­ing influ­ence on the behav­iour of patients who are more and more will­ing to go abroad for treat­ment. On the oth­er hand, lib­er­al­i­sa­tion has allowed greater mobil­i­ty of human resources, allow­ing health per­son­nel in poor regions to look for bet­ter-paid jobs out­side their coun­tries. This dou­ble move­ment of health pro­fes­sion­als and patients is one of the most note­wor­thy fea­tures of the new glob­alised health­care industry.

Trav­el­ing for med­ical care, known as med­ical tourism, has recent­ly grown in fields such as oncol­o­gy, car­dio­vas­cu­lar surgery, med­ical­ly assist­ed repro­duc­tion, and organ/tissue trans­plan­ta­tion. In the last two of these fields, devel­op­ment of med­ical ser­vices is sup­port­ed in some coun­tries by flex­i­ble leg­is­la­tion and the exis­tence of a large num­ber of social­ly vul­ner­a­ble peo­ple. The result is a wide avail­abil­i­ty of low-cost resources need­ed for spe­cif­ic treat­ments (organs, human mate­r­i­al, sur­ro­gate moth­ers, etc.). In order to meet the health needs of res­i­dent or for­eign patients who can afford the costs of these med­ical ser­vices, human body parts of social­ly dis­ad­van­taged per­sons are rent­ed or pur­chased on a more or less legal basis. Com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion of human body parts is anoth­er fea­ture of the glob­al health­care mar­ket. A new type of trade based on increas­ing social inequal­i­ty in most soci­eties and between coun­tries is devel­op­ing. The result is an econ­o­my that is not only com­pa­ra­ble to a neo-colo­nial one, but also to a kind of can­ni­bal market.

In order to bet­ter under­stand var­i­ous aspects of this new mar­ket and assess its impli­ca­tions for the future, it is pro­posed that an inter­na­tion­al and mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary con­fer­ence be organ­ised in Gene­va, Switzer­land on Feb­ru­ary 6–7, 2014. The major objec­tives of the con­fer­ence will be: (i) to analyse, from a social sci­ences per­spec­tive, the glob­alised devel­op­ment of the com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the human body for med­ical pur­pos­es; (ii) to devel­op the out­line of a research agen­da based on key ideas and find­ings that emerge from the dis­cus­sions; and (iii) to cre­ate an inter­na­tion­al net­work of social sci­en­tists for this top­ic. The dis­cus­sions will be based on these four case stud­ies: (a) the unreg­u­lat­ed mar­ket of assist­ed repro­duc­tion tech­nol­o­gy and in par­tic­u­lar the devel­op­ment of com­mer­cial sur­ro­ga­cy; (b) the con­di­tions for organ har­vest­ing that feeds the mar­ket for trans­plan­ta­tion; © the “brain drain” of health pro­fes­sion­als which reduces the capac­i­ty of poor coun­tries to meet their health chal­lenges; and (d) the devel­op­ment of pri­vate insti­tu­tions that col­lect, store and sell human mate­r­i­al (gametes, embryos, blood, tis­sues, etc.). Four areas in which the growth of this mar­ket has sig­nif­i­cant human, social, med­ical, eco­nom­ic, legal, reli­gious and eth­i­cal implications.

25th April 2018 Pre­sen­ta­tion at Gene­va Uni­ver­si­ty by RAINHORN JEAN-DANIEL: