http://Worldwide 218 mil­lion chil­dren between 5 and 17 years are in employ­ment. Among them, 152 mil­lion are vic­tims of child labour; almost half of them, 73 mil­lion, work in haz­ardous child labour. In absolute terms, almost half of child labour (72.1 mil­lion) is to be found in Africa; 62.1 mil­lion in the Asia and the Pacif­ic; 10.7 mil­lion in the Amer­i­c­as; 1.2 mil­lion in the Arab States and 5.5 mil­lion in Europe and Cen­tral Asia. In terms of preva­lence, 1 in 5 chil­dren in Africa (19.6%) are in child labour, whilst preva­lence in oth­er regions is between 3% and 7%: 2.9% in the Arab States (1 in 35 chil­dren); 4.1% in Europe and Cen­tral Asia (1 in 25); 5.3% in the Amer­i­c­as (1 in 19) and 7.4% in Asia and the Pacif­ic region (1 in 14). Almost half of all 152 mil­lion chil­dren vic­tims of child labour are aged 5–11 years. 42 mil­lion (28%) are 12–14 years old; and 37 mil­lion (24%) are 15–17 years old. Haz­ardous child labour is most preva­lent among the 15–17 years old. Nev­er­the­less up to a fourth of all haz­ardous child labour (19 mil­lion) is done by chil­dren less than 12 years old. Among 152 mil­lion chil­dren in child labour, 88 mil­lion are boys and 64 mil­lion are girls. 58% of all chil­dren in child labour and 62% of all chil­dren in haz­ardous work are boys. Boys appear to face a greater risk of child labour than girls, but this may also be a reflec­tion of an under-report­ing of girls’ work, par­tic­u­lar­ly in domes­tic child labour. Child labour is con­cen­trat­ed pri­mar­i­ly in agri­cul­ture (71%), which includes fish­ing, forestry, live­stock herd­ing and aqua­cul­ture, and com­pris­es both sub­sis­tence and com­mer­cial farm­ing; 17% in Ser­vices; and 12% in the Indus­tri­al sec­tor, includ­ing mining.

  • World­wide 218 mil­lion chil­dren between 5 and 17 years are in employment.
    Among them, 152 mil­lion are vic­tims of child labour; almost half of them, 73 mil­lion, work in haz­ardous child labour.
  • In absolute terms, almost half of child labour (72.1 mil­lion) is to be found in Africa; 62.1 mil­lion in the Asia and the Pacif­ic; 10.7 mil­lion in the Amer­i­c­as; 1.2 mil­lion in the Arab States and 5.5 mil­lion in Europe and Cen­tral Asia.
  • In terms of preva­lence, 1 in 5 chil­dren in Africa (19.6%) are in child labour, whilst preva­lence in oth­er regions is between 3% and 7%: 2.9% in the Arab States (1 in 35 chil­dren); 4.1% in Europe and Cen­tral Asia (1 in 25); 5.3% in the Amer­i­c­as (1 in 19) and 7.4% in Asia and the Pacif­ic region (1 in 14).
  • Almost half of all 152 mil­lion chil­dren vic­tims of child labour are aged 5–11 years.
    42 mil­lion (28%) are 12–14 years old; and 37 mil­lion (24%) are 15–17 years old.
  • Haz­ardous child labour is most preva­lent among the 15–17 years old. Nev­er­the­less up to a fourth of all haz­ardous child labour (19 mil­lion) is done by chil­dren less than 12 years old.
  • Among 152 mil­lion chil­dren in child labour, 88 mil­lion are boys and 64 mil­lion are girls.
  • 58% of all chil­dren in child labour and 62% of all chil­dren in haz­ardous work are boys. Boys appear to face a greater risk of child labour than girls, but this may also be a reflec­tion of an under-report­ing of girls’ work, par­tic­u­lar­ly in domes­tic child labour.
  • Child labour is con­cen­trat­ed pri­mar­i­ly in agri­cul­ture (71%), which includes fish­ing, forestry, live­stock herd­ing and aqua­cul­ture, and com­pris­es both sub­sis­tence and com­mer­cial farm­ing; 17% in Ser­vices; and 12% in the Indus­tri­al sec­tor, includ­ing mining.—dgreports/—dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_575499.pdf

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