Traf­fick­ing sur­vivors around the globe describe the inhu­man­i­ty of mod­ern slav­ery. Forced to work, kept in place by vio­lence, unable to escape — mil­lions endure hor­rif­ic phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal abuse. Free the Slaves lib­er­ates vic­tims and uplifts the vul­ner­a­ble to break the back of slav­ery once and for all.

Pro­duced and Edit­ed by: Nicholas Cho. Field Pro­duc­tion Team Mem­bers: Aziz Ahmed, Supriya Awasthi, Maka Beroza­shvili, Peg­gy Calla­han, Ter­ry Fitz­Patrick, Kumi Mae­mu­ra, Robert Marist, Gin­ny Mar­tin, Jim Mey­ers, Emmanuel Otoo, Robin Romano, Faisa Sid­diqui, Nee­lam Shar­ma, Cassie & Jor­dan Timpy. Exec­u­tive Pro­duc­er: Ter­ry FitzPatrick.