VATICAN — PONTIFICIA ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM — Ethics in Action 7, 12–13 March 2018 — “Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, and Access to Justice for the Poor and Vulnerable”

VATICAN — PONTIFICIA ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM — Ethics in Action 7, 12–13 March 2018 — “Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, and Access to Justice for the Poor and Vulnerable”

This is a meet­ing of our Ethics in Action ini­tia­tive, pred­i­cat­ed on the notion that the grave and urgent chal­lenges fac­ing the world are moral chal­lenges requir­ing moral solu­tions. Our goal is to devel­op a moral con­sen­sus among reli­gious lead­ers from...
15th February 2018 — 23rd International Humanitarian and Security Conference, presented by Webster University Geneva, at the International Conference Center Geneva with the theme of THE NEED FOR EFFECTIVE GLOBAL COMPACTS ON REFUGEES AND MIGRATION.

15th February 2018 — 23rd International Humanitarian and Security Conference, presented by Webster University Geneva, at the International Conference Center Geneva with the theme of THE NEED FOR EFFECTIVE GLOBAL COMPACTS ON REFUGEES AND MIGRATION.

SEE THE TEXT OF PROFESSOR MICHEL VEUTHEY'S PRESENTATION BELOW. The 23rd International Humanitarian and Security Conference, presented by Webster University Geneva took place on February 15-16, 2018, at the International Conference Center Geneva with the theme of THE...
1st Dec 2017 — Expert Panel on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery — Rehabilitation for Victims of Modern Slavery — Statement by the Sovereign Order of Malta

1st Dec 2017 — Expert Panel on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery — Rehabilitation for Victims of Modern Slavery — Statement by the Sovereign Order of Malta

Mer­ci aux organ­isa­teurs de cet événe­ment, aux mag­nifiques témoignages, au Fonds et aux Gou­verne­ments bailleurs de fonds, à com­mencer par l’Allemagne, l’Australie et la République e Corée. Per­me­t­tez-moi de rap­pel­er que la col­lab­o­ra­tion morale et...