The Lake Tan­ganyi­ka Float­ing Health Clin­ic (LTFHC) has been help­ing the com­mu­ni­ties liv­ing in the Lake Tan­ganyi­ka Basin for over five years.

In this almost whol­ly neglect­ed area we:

    • Deliv­er vital healthcare
    • Dis­trib­ute nec­es­sary med­ical supplies
    • Estab­lish impor­tant com­mu­ni­ca­tions hubs
    • Gath­er essen­tial med­ical data
    • Build strong rela­tion­ships with the peo­ple and the gov­ern­ments of the region

WAVE– Water Based Aid, Value, Engagement

The con­flict rid­den, resource rich Lake Tan­ganyi­ka Basin has become vital to the well-being and inter­ests of the plan­et, and our work is now rec­og­nized as cru­cial to its sta­ble growth and devel­op­ment. The pace of our being called upon for coun­sel by par­ties with strate­gic inter­ests in the basin has been so sig­nif­i­cant that it encour­aged us to also eval­u­ate whether we should evolve our brand. WAVE is the result; we con­duct our pol­i­cy and advo­ca­cy work under this aegis.

With these new rela­tion­ships, we also hope to gen­er­ate increas­ing under­stand­ing of the val­ue a float­ing hos­pi­tal ship can have for mil­lions liv­ing in the basin, as well as the strate­gic inter­ests of those who wish to engage there.