Anti-Slav­ery Aus­tralia is a spe­cial­ist legal research and pol­i­cy cen­tre ded­i­cat­ed to the abo­li­tion of human traf­fick­ing, slav­ery and slav­ery-like prac­tices such as forced labour and forced marriage.

We pro­tect the human rights of traf­ficked and enslaved peo­ple through research, pol­i­cy devel­op­ment, law reform, pro­fes­sion­al prac­tice, edu­ca­tion and advocacy.

Locat­ed in the Fac­ul­ty of Law at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy Syd­ney, our legal cen­tre pro­vides access to com­pre­hen­sive legal advice[1] and assis­tance to peo­ple who have expe­ri­enced human traf­fick­ing, slav­ery or forced mar­riage in Aus­tralia. This includes advice on migra­tion, crim­i­nal law, fam­i­ly law and compensation.

Our lead­ing research and advo­ca­cy con­sid­ers emerg­ing issues around human traf­fick­ing and slav­ery. Our expert research and the expe­ri­ences of our clients also inform our pol­i­cy and law reform activ­i­ties that con­sid­er how to best to pro­tect and sup­port traf­ficked peo­ple in addi­tion to exam­in­ing best prac­tices around pre­vent­ing, iden­ti­fy­ing and pros­e­cut­ing human traf­fick­ing and slavery.

We work to increase com­mu­ni­ty aware­ness of human traf­fick­ing and slav­ery through our numer­ous edu­ca­tion and out­reach activ­i­ties such as pre­sen­ta­tions and work­shops for schools and uni­ver­si­ties, and deliv­er­ing train­ing to front­line staff in gov­ern­ment and com­mu­ni­ty organ­i­sa­tions on how to iden­ti­fy, respond to and refer traf­ficked people.